Command CloneStyle


The CloneStyle command replaces an alias to style with an alias to its shallow clone. The clone will be registered in the FULL_STYLES list and optionally in the AUTO_STYLES list, just like the model style. The clone is additionally locked to avoid its automatic recycling by Document::PurgeAutoStyles.

It uses an associated ReplaceAlias command, which is bound to CloneStyle, in order to replace the original style alias with the cloned alias.

[ x style y ], style -> [ a b ]

becomes :

[ x style' y ], style' + stylei' -> clone = [ a' b' ]

scratch : style, style -> [ a b ]

After undoing :

[ x style y ], style -> [ a b ]

scratch : stylei', stylei' -> clone = [ a' b' ]

zombie : style'

After redoing :

[ x style' y ], style' + stylei' -> clone = [ a' b' ]

scratch : style, style -> [ a b ]
